I reached out to Sasha during one of the most challenging times in my life. My mother was dying. Slowly fading away from cancer. It was unbearably hard and painful to accept that my mom was leaving, that I couldn’t change anything, and that I had no idea what to do. There was confusion, pain, and fear.
It was difficult to find support from family or friends—I didn’t want to let anyone from my circle into such a vulnerable, intimate, delicate space. Sasha and I had several video calls. I came to the first one expecting ready-made solutions — instructions or frameworks I could rely on. I wanted to know exactly what to do during the dying process, to foresee everything and avoid mistakes… That was my initial request.
I believed that if I did everything 'right,' it would somehow be easier. My focus was entirely on actions, not emotions or feelings. Sasha gently brought me back to the question: 'How am I right now?' The following sessions were dedicated to the process of experiencing. What was I feeling? Did I have the energy that day? What important things did I want to say? Was I taking care of myself and replenishing my resources?
I suddenly realized that asking for help is normal. That hiring a caregiver isn’t about 'abandoning a dying mother to a stranger' but about caring for her through taking care of myself. I learned that, no matter how much I prepare, death isn’t an exam to pass. It’s a natural process, and 99% of the time, it won’t go according to 'my plan.' Letting go of control without guilt became crucial.
The final session, after my mom’s passing, was especially meaningful. We talked through the events and emotions I had experienced, reconstructing the narrative. This was incredibly valuable. The story in my mind had been filled with guilt — 'I should have done it differently,' or "If I had done something else, then…(followed by idealized versions of events)". We revisited the night of her passing, re-lived it, and shifted the focus from 'should have' to "I honestly did everything I could, I acted out of love, and that’s what matters most".
To me, Sasha is a gateway to a space of love.
She is someone deeply connected to you, empathizing, joining, understanding. And at the same time, she sees more clearly and broadly. She helps you exhale the pain from your heart and fill it with light and love. Through your loving perspective, death becomes sacred, wise, beautiful, and natural.